My Story

In Spring of 2023, I looked around at my life and wondered ‘How did I get here?’ On the outside everything looked perfect, but this life didn’t feel like mine.

I had everything I was told I should want — my dream job, a partner, and I woke up to a view of the ocean every morning — but something wasn’t right. How could I feel so ‘off,’ uneasy and stuck?

Autoimmune disease, chronic illness and digestive issues were worsening, my relationship was stagnant, and I was always anxious, stuck in a fear response, and finally burnt out.

There had to be another way.

I had already exhausted all of my tried-and-true tools. By this time I’d spent thousands on naturopaths, supplements, herbalists, tinctures, acupuncture, massage, but there was no lasting relief.

I would begin each day with morning with a gratitude and meditation ritual. (And there was SO much to be grateful for all around me.) But sitting with my eyes shut trying to meditate just made the nagging feeling that I was not where I was supposed to be get louder.

It was time for a change

I reached out to One Precious Light, an incredible practitioner who developed her own comprehensive modality for rapid and massive change. I had seen her for amazing sessions in Brooklyn years prior. Deep down I knew she would understand. I booked a reading as a starting point. She confirmed what I knew subconsciously, but didn’t want to admit. Another timeline was calling me and I was due to make the switch.

There was a reason why I felt so misaligned, why I got that anxious feeling when I was meditating. It was my guides trying to tell me ‘Yes, you should be somewhere else!’ There was a whole other place and life that was meant for me!

But the reading was so much deeper than that. She provided me with a framework, Soul Spark Sessions, that would create the momentum I needed to get to where I was meant to be, and completely shift my life.

She also explained about the inversion and the reversal fields and now it made sense why I felt so confused. This feeling that ‘down was up, and up was down,’ ‘right was wrong, and wrong was right,’ was being caused by something! That’s why I felt like I was underwater and didn’t know which direction to swim to get to the surface. And it was literally making me sick to my stomach.

With this new information everything started to become clearer.

After the reading, I took the Energy Assessment quiz on her website, the Enzo Academy, to see where my energy was. By the time I got to the bottom I had tears streaming down my face. I didn’t even click the Submit button because I knew from the way I answered the questions how far I was from my potential.

My energy (and life) was not where it could or should be. At all. It confirmed what I was feeling and affirmed that there was a much brighter, joyful, more abundant and aligned life for me out there.

I decided to dive in.

I booked a Soul Spark Session -

and my life started to transform

After the first session I was finally able to relax enough that I could meditate again.

Over the next few months, we dove so deep in sessions, attunements and activations. It was remarkable and unlike anything I’d ever experienced. With this modality, a complete analysis before and after each session provided markers of progress, so that I could see where we started and how I was doing. They perfectly reflected how I felt and what was coming up for me to process, and how the shifts were changing me energetically. My life was transforming on the outside, too.

I worked daily in the Enzo Academy, learning more about this important time we are in, and I followed my coach’s custom guidance on how to use the space to shift and maintain my energy, slow and steady. And unlike anything I’d experienced in healing sessions before, One Precious Light held and carried my energy until I could stabilize it on my own.

The changes were massive and lasting.

One day I looked around, and again, I didn’t recognize my life.

But this time it was because it was so harmonious, so joyful, so ‘me.’ I had finally broken to the surface and I was able to breathe again.

Real progress

What this work did so well was temper my nervous system.
My emotional set-point has become:

  • content

  • calm

  • peaceful

  • centered

  • optimistic

  • accepting of myself and others

  • clear

So many subtle things shifted naturally on their own as a result of the work.

Outside circumstances that used to trigger me or send me straight into a stress response or anxiety, just... didn’t.

The layers that weren’t really mine had gotten sloughed off through the work we did. I became who I truly was this whole time underneath the programming and the wounding. My true essence could finally shine!

This process is not for the faint of heart, and involved many journeys deep into the past, pulling back fragmented parts of self, and more challenging still, uncovering shadow aspects and re-integrating them. But it’s nothing short of magical and miraculous.

It did create the most powerful transformation I’ve ever experienced. Lifetimes worth of change happened in months.

Bringing heaven down to Earth.

Bringing heaven down to Earth.

My inner world transformed completely. Through the attunements and activations, my inner sight came online and I’m able to experience more of the multidimensionality of what it means to be human. My goal for a decade had been to meet my guides and that has come online for me, too, as a byproduct of the work we did. I know that more gifts are still unfolding. The spiritual activations have been the most precious and dear part of this experience, by far.

My outer world has shifted completely, too.

My day-to-day life is calm and harmonious.

  • I’m able to think clearly and logically in coherence with my heart.

  • Every day there’s a point when I naturally pause, look around and feel so much love for my life and where I am.

  • I feel a deep connection to nature like I never have experienced before.

  • My health concerns cleared up - l am vibrant and healthy. I’m able eat whatever I’d like and to go for long runs again.

And most of all, I feel empowered to be able to care for my own energy now, while always knowing I have support if I need it. Overall…

I feel aligned.

It was incredible to have someone see me for who I truly am, behind the masks and the programming, and completely without judgement, assumptions or projections. Pure.

Having an OPL QH practitioner hold the clearest vision of my true potential held for me, so that I could walk towards it, provided me with the structure and guidance I needed to make real progress.

Being witnessed with such non-judgement, love, support, and reinforcement for the beautiful aspects I hold within gave me the confidence to blossom.

That’s why I’m training in this modality. My books are opening soon!

Interested in learning more, or booking a session?