Welcome! I’m Jackie

A new state of being — one of harmony, bliss, connection and clarity is waiting for you!

(Really, truly!)

I’d love to offer a guiding hand to support you on your path back to your destiny

The life of your dreams is calling

The life of your dreams is calling ✴

My Story

Hi! I’m Jackie, a professional artist and One Precious Light Quantum Healer in the making!

I’ve found myself guided one step (and dark night of the soul) at a time to slowly uncover the truth of who I am, how that pieces together into the larger story of humanity, and our great purpose at this very important time on the planet.

I’d be honored to help guide you towards your true path — to the life you were meant to live! One of harmony, bliss and blessings.

In the Spring of 2023, I was lost, stuck, struggling with chronic illness and super stressed out. In a matter of months, my entire life shifted for the better through OPL QH. Now I see endless possibilities, signs and synchronicities everywhere, I can easily return to my center, and I’m clear on who I am and why I’m here.

This healing modality is comprehensive, supportive and rapid. It holds the keys to unlock a full paradigm shift.

It’s not for the faint of heart. If you feel called to it, that’s probably for a reason

We each have our own unique blueprint —

The authentic path that our soul intended to experience in this lifetime.

This path is one where our gifts shine, where we are spiritually connected, clear about our direction in life, healthy, whole, blissful, and able to experience harmony and peace as natural states of being.

But layers and layers of built up programming, conditioning and traumas (from this lifetime and beyond) can cause that true path to become hidden. It can be forgotten under all of the things that we weren’t meant to carry forever.

I’m here to offer you a hand and to help you reorient to your True North.

I’m training in a specialized, comprehensive and uniquely supportive energy healing modality that can help you return back into wholeness, while tempering the nervous system and transmuting past difficulties into gifts

— so that you can live the life you were meant to.

Peace, balance, bliss and everyday miracles are your destiny.

It’s time to align with that reality.

Follow me on Instagram

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