OPL Quantum Healing:

Soul Spark Session

This 3 hour fully remote healing session is comprehensive. It opens, clears, activates, transmutes and harmonizes your energy.

This helps you experience the world more clearly, releasing the lens of past wounds and faulty programming, allowing for your true self to shine through.

Find clarity and peace — a respite from the confusion and chaos in the world.

Awaken your Soul Spark within


Align with your True North


Awaken your Soul Spark within 〰️ Align with your True North 〰️

Completely custom, for your unique blueprint

Soul Spark Sessions are unique to your energetic needs.

They include a combination of any or all OPL Quantum Healing sessions, activations or readings:

  • In this session I measure, clear, and activate the 13 energy centers within the Auric Field including the Cosmic Gateway, Universal Gateway, Stellar Gateway, Earth Star, Earth Gateway. and the 7 in- body Chakra’s.

    This process opens, clears, and balances the energy centers that then allow Cosmic, and Universal Life Force Energy to flow into your life with ease.

    In sacred geometry, Archangel Metatron, the angel of life oversees the flow of energy in a mystical cube known as Metatron's Cube, which contains all of the geometric shapes in the Universe and represents the patterns that make up everything in life.

    What are the benefits?

    Reduces anxiety

    Feelings of bliss

    Feeling lighter and more joyous

    Smoother transitions with less challenges

    Brings you closer to your highest self, and Spirit

    Aligns you with your Spirit

    Raises your vibrational frequency

    Attunes your energy and life to Metatron’s Cube

    Harmonizes your being with Source Energy and The Universe

    Opens you up to the Flow Of Life, abundance, love, and health

    Activates your light body for spiritual protection and multi-dimensional travel

  • The Process:

    This is a spiritual healing session utilizing Reiki Energy, Shamanic Techniques, Sound Healing, and Quantum Healing.  I connect with the clients Light Body via Quantum Non-locality (remotely - which can be more powerful in this context than local hands on healing). The energy system, Chakra’s and Auric Field, are measured and analyzed for blocks, lower vibrational energy, or energy that just needs to be cleared.  The Chakra system is measured, opened, cleared, and balanced.

    Any lower vibrational energy is pulled from the clients Auric Field and/or Chakra’s and transmuted.  The energy system is then infused with high vibrational life force energy.

    What are the benefits?

    Reduces anxiety

    Feelings of Bliss

    Feeling lighter and more joyous

    Clears emotional wounds from the energetic system

    Clears mental blocks/thought forms from the energetic system

    Clears energetic attachments to trauma and triggers

    Releases unwanted/unnecessary dense energy

    Infuses the physical body and Auric Field with Life Force Energy

    Clears past life trauma

    Opens doors to abundance, success, love, and health

    Reduces pain

    Promotes clarity of thought and mind

    Soothes and helps to process emotions

  • In this session I attune the 12 Chakra system with the true Flower of Life, helping to bring the energetic system (auric field, and chakra system) into balance and alignment with high vibrational energies.

    This process opens, clears, and balances the 12 Chakra system, and stabilizes the higher vibrational energies.

    It harmonizes any dissonance and/or inner conflict in the field helping to bring the physical body, mind, and heart into harmony with the spirit.

    This session was specifically designed to help with the process of stabilization and embodiment of the higher self.

    What are the benefits?

    Reduce emotional swings (polarity)

    Increase stability, strength, and confidence

    Stabilizes new frequencies into the physical body

    Smoother transitions with less challenges

    Helps to merge the highest self with the physical body for embodiment and integration

    Attunes the 12 Chakra system, and all individual Chakra’s to the true Flower of Life

    Raises your vibrational frequency

    Opens, clears, and balances the 12 Chakra system

    Harmonizes your being with Source Energy and The Universe

    Opens you up to the Flow Of Life, abundance, love, and health

    Helps you to ground higher dimensional realities, frequencies, and idea’s

  • The DNA Repair session purifies and activates the 12 Strand DNA - clearing any lower vibrational energy, belief systems, and inorganic programs. 

    Using Solfeggio Frequencies and specific sacred geometric forms the DNA is reprogrammed with harmonic energy that catalyze the physical, mental, and emotional healing needed.

    This process re-writes the etheric blueprint directly into the DNA to activate advanced self-healing, embodiment of universal love, and sacred abundance.

  • Activation and stabilization of the frequencies of the 7 Rays.  This session helps integrate the first birthed consciousness of duality into unity within. 

    Through the integration of the 7 Rays you are able to access all frequencies to begin creating through wholeness, balance, unity, and universal love.

    In this session I will analyze the energies that you currently have activated and assess those that you do not have activated yet and begin the process of integration of the full spectrum of light within.

  • This is a multidimensional session with your Soul Self and the Tree of Life. This session brings forward information that your Soul Self would like to relay to you. This can include higher dimensional healings.

  • After reaching a specific frequency, it can be beneficial to clear and align the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical body so that each are harmonized, aligned and balanced.

    This session brings the 4 bodies into harmony with one another and grounds them to the Earth's core.

  • During the session I will be connecting with your Soul Self and higher guidance to relay any relevant general information about the session.

    You can also send 1-3 specific questions (related to any topic you'd like) before the session and I will ask about those for you as well.

    The readings are meant to provide support, comfort, guidance and direction from the most zoomed out and loving point of view possible.

What Can I Expect from a Session?

Soul Spark Session results are unique to each individual, but common benefits include:

  • feeling lighter and more relaxed

  • feelings of bliss and blessings

  • reduced anxiety

  • clarity on direction in life

  • released from looping thoughts

  • increased feelings of optimism

With dedication and consistent sessions, OPL Quantum Healing can be used to shift into the new chakra system and ground into the 5th Density (and beyond.)
Read more here

An Energy Analysis to document your progress

A full Energy Analysis (a $75 value) is provided before and after each session.

The Energy Analysis is a thorough look at the status of your chakras, higher and lower gateways, the frequency range you are able to hold, and the state of your energy field.

This information provides a deeper understanding of how you are experiencing the world and what is ready to heal.

It can also serve as a helpful way to track your progress as you go.

What’s the experience like during a Soul Spark Session?

Rest, Relax and Recieve

Soul Spark Sessions are conveniently done fully remotely. It’s important to be in a quiet, comfy place during your session time where you will be undisturbed. There is no link or digital connection during your session, so you can feel free to fully rest, nap or meditate.

When you are relaxed, your energy is open and you’re able to receive the healing most effectively.

Sometimes clients notice the work being done through visions like a dream, feeling a calming sensation, falling asleep, or other times they won’t notice anything at all, and all of it is okay.

After the first two hours, feel free to journal or go about your day. You’ll receive another email with your session write-up when it’s complete and you’ll have the option to schedule your coaching call.

A lot of times clients report feeling very revived, rested, lighter, happier, and calm after a session. It can take a few days for the healing to fully sink in and stabilize, and we have a unique process to help with that…

What You’ll Receive Post-Session

Support for your healing to integrate smoothly.
A foundation for rapid, lasting change.

A Detailed Write Up

  • Thorough notes explaining what the practitioner observed and experienced in the session. This can provide deep insight, answers and support your growth.

  • It also includes remedies for any woundings that were healed with guidance — so that your field can stay clear.

A Full Coaching Call

  • A 30 minute call within a day of your session to answer any questions.

  • You’ll be able to review a plan of action going forward, guidance and suggested meditations to help with upkeep.

One Week of Energetic Support

  • Your practitioner will continue to analyze your energy to see how the healing is integrating over the week after your session.

  • Complimentary adjustments will be made as needed to stabilize the work that was done.

Learn more here

Open the door for massive transformation

A clear, healed, balanced energy field is the foundation for a harmonious and peaceful life.

With consistency and regular upkeep, you can achieve massive transformation, personal development and evolution through OPL Quantum Healing Soul Spark Sessions.

This modality has the ability to bring you into right relationship with the world around you - so that you can live from your truth (and not from old wounds or programming.)

Tangible results, lasting change

Everyone is different, but this work over time can bring:

  • reduced anxiety

  • feeling emotionally ‘lighter’

  • old triggers no longer kerfuffle you

  • tempered nervous system (no more jumping when the door slams)

  • a healthy attachment style - feeling secure, grounded and eternally loved

  • a clear direction and path in life

  • a profound connection to nature

  • experiencing more optimistic and supportive trains of thought

  • spiritual gifts coming online or strengthening

OPL Quantum Healing is multi-dimensional and each of us have our own unique path, so the possibilities are truly limitless.

What blessings are waiting to unfold for you?

Ready to Quantum Leap?

A 1:1 Soul Spark Session is $444

Special Offer: I am currently offering sliding-scale option starting at $200, as well as packages. Learn more here.

This is a unique opportunity to experience this profound session work at a reduced rate.

Curious? Please contact me for more information or book your session below!

All sessions are confidential. Practitioners are only shown exactly what is needed, and nothing more or less. Sessions are conducted with the utmost respect, humility, integrity and honor of the client, their soul’s path, and the process.

Thank you for your support and I am looking forward to working with you!

A Spiritual Retreat at Your Fingertips

The Enzo Academy

The Enzo Academy is an online retreat space and self-paced academy for spiritual and energetic wellness.

Co-founded by the creator of OPL Quantum Healing, it’s full of tools to help you maintain the work from Soul Spark Sessions and support your growth.

The Enzo Academy can be used to shift in densities all the way to 8D, for support for those who are already grounding in the 5D system, or simply to return to states of calm and peace throughout your day and maintain your Soul Spark Session work.

Here’s everything you’ll have access to when you enroll

  • The only home to pre-recorded OPL Quanutum Healing sessions.

    Tap in anytime you need an energetic 'tune-up' to refine and upkeep your energy.

  • A wide variety of guided meditations to help you anchor in spiritual essence, ground, clear dense energy, awaken the heart, harmonize the energy system, clear the field, return to center - and so much more.

  • Gain insight, learn to self-heal and unlock new understanding. These workshops focus on understanding the world through an energetic and cosmic perspective, and offer techniques and exercises for spiritual, mental and emotional self-mastery.

  • Bringing years of award winning DJ and turn-tablist, One Precious Light uses her musical expertise to craft hours of especially tuned soundscapes to support your spiritual growth.

    You'll find soundscapes for:

    • grounding

    • awakening

    • anchoring into the 5D, 6D, 7D and 8D cores

    • purification

    • connecting to higher realms

    • opening the heart

    • the list goes on...

  • As you raise in frequency by clearing your biofield, specific lightbody structures can be added to your energy system to stabilize, nourish, support, and protect.

    These structures can help integrate the solar weather that will continue to increase leading up to 2029.

  • Divinely channeled, these readings comes from the highest perspective, with grounded and practical information to help support your spiritual evolution and growth.

  • Support your spiritual growth with physical movement including freeform dance, specialized movement techniques to heal, practical self-defense and much more!

  • Explore the multidimensional landscape through specially channeled guided journeys to heal, learn, and uncover supportive information from guides, ascended masters, Archangels and benevolent beings of light.

  • Take the certification course and become attuned the energy that makes the breeze blow and the grass grow. Reiki promotes relaxation and that is when the body can heal itself. Learn about this incredible modality and experience it for yourself.

  • Created by experienced Dojo Electric Tiger Arts, there are hours of videos to learn, hone and master your skills.

Tap in any time to harmonize your energy field, re-center, clear old woundings, gain insights, elevate your energy — so that you can align you to your brightest, most enlightened and vibrant life!

Feeling the call? Applications are now open!

Experience a preview! The Sacred Violet Flame Guided Meditation, created by the founder of The Enzo Academy and creator of OPL Quantum Healing, offers a glimpse of the type of material you’ll find within the Enzo Academy.