Shifting into the 5th Density state-of-being through OPL QH
As the Mayan’s and other wisdom traditions foretold, the earth has come to the end of a cycle. And in this ending, we are welcoming in a new beginning. We are entering a new paradigm where the old illusions are fading away and all things are possible.
OPL Quantum Healing is one-of-a-kind in that it can be used to shift, ground, and stabilize the client’s energetic system into the 5th Density earth, so that they are able to embody this new state of being.
This transition extends far beyond tapping into 5D unity consciousness.
Though 5D unity consciousness is wonderful in and of itself, we have the ability and capacity for more.
The shift into 5D results in a complete up-leveling in the client’s state of being (mind, body, spirit). With it comes:
a new way of experiencing time as a spiral
a profound connection to nature
an unwavering understanding of the eternalness and inter-connectivity of life
When the client fully makes the shift into the 5th Density reality, they’ve completely upgraded and shifted their energy centers and bio-field. Instead of operating from survival, lack, fear, and willpower, they are rooted and grounded into Divine will and their soul’s unique truth.
OPL Quantum Healing contains a map and pathway for the client to build a bridge, ground and stabilize into this new reality.
It’s a complex process made simple, with measurable results. Through it, the illusions and falsities of survival and lack are dissolved, old wound are processed and cleared, outdated programming is removed, and the nervous system is tempered so that more information can be held and the shift can be made.
Though moving into the 5D involves many energetic shifts which can be complex, OPL QH provides a simple and proven pathway that is unique to every individual, to allow for this transition.
The Enzo Academy, the membership platform offers supportive sessions to help maintain and stabilize the client after the shift has been made.