What is One Precious Light Quantum Healing?

This one-of-a-kind, ancient, Archangelic healing modality has the potential for extremely rapid shifts and comprehensive transformation in all aspects of life. (Ask me how I know ; )

But what’s it all about?

One Precious Light Quantum Healing (also called OPL QH) is an original healing modality developed by Mariah Muntimuri, One Precious Light. After years of training and practicing as a Shamanic Healer, Reiki Master, yoga teacher, musician, and energy healer, she developed and refined a series of energy healing techniques, attunements and activations that work together to help bring clients into a state of harmony, balance, peace, ease and grace.

OPL QH is a non-local energy healing modality, made up of a selection of sessions, activations and attunements that utilize:

  • Sound

  • Sacred geometry

  • Crystals

  • Angelic guidance

  • and the focused intention and consciousness of the practitioner.


The Purpose

Beyond bringing a client back into wholeness, tempering the nervous system and realigning them to their True North.

It also contains a system that can be used to help clients shift and ground into the 5D system.


Soul Spark Sessions

Each OPL QH technique, attunement and activation has its own focus and purpose which can be used independently or stacked together. Clients receive what is called a Soul Spark Session which is completely custom to their energetic needs at that point in time.

Soul Spark Sessions can range from one or two, to any and all of the OPL QH sessions, attunements and activations in addition to Archangelic guidance and messages that come through in the sessions.

It’s unique in that measurements of the client’s field and energy are taken before and after each session and this data is analyzed and given to the client, so you can watch your progress unfold.

The distortions or wounds that can be found in the field (which can be from ancient times all the way up until this lifetime) tend to mirror challenges in everyday life. Having this map can help explain where you are at and why you are experiencing current issues. In the sessions, the practitioner clears the blocks and fills it in with beautiful energy and provides the cause and remedy to help you move forward.


Rapid Shifts and Lasting Change

The reason why it can be so effective and result in such lasting change is because it is so supportive.

OPL QH is a collaboration between the practitioner and client. It’s recommended for clients to begin a daily meditation and journaling practice (if you don’t already have one). After a session you will be given homework - specific active meditations that will help the work that was done stabilize and balance.

The practitioners support you after the session.

Because this work creates such big shifts, the practitioner helps to smooth out the process by stabilizing and carrying your energy following the session.

We check in and offer complementary adjustments for the week following the session to assure you’re able to assimilate to the healing with grace. This unique feature is one of the ways that such profound and lasting change can take place.

We are also dealing in the quantum realms, so immediate and miraculous healing and transformation is possible.


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What can I expect from an OPL QH Soul Spark Session?


Shifting into the 5th Density state-of-being through OPL QH