How does One Precious Light Quantum Healing work?
Our universe is made up of fractals: self-similar repeating patterns that appear or behave the same way whether on a massive or microscopic scale.
Just as the earth has an electromagnetic field around it, so does the human body.
This energy body is the plasmic and electromagnetic toroidal (donut shaped) bio-field that surrounds each person’s physical body.
The layers that make up the bio-field relate to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person.
The bio-field plays a major role — it is the blueprint for what we experience and sets the tone for our lives.
Blocks in the Field
Because everything we perceive with our senses is an electrical impulse, if an intense emotional experience, such as a trauma, is not processed (felt and released), that electrical imprint can get stuck in the field around the body.
The goal of energy is to keep moving and flowing - to crest like a wave - as Eileen McKusick puts it. When energy stops and stagnates, it is frozen in time in the field along with a part of ourselves.
These dense energy stagnations, or blocks, can magnetize repeating patterns in an individual’s life, calling similar difficulties to the person so that the unaddressed wounding can finally be acknowledged, processed and moved through.
OPL QH can be used to clear these blocks - the stored traumas, dense emotions and outside energies - in a quick and gentle way, freeing up that electromagnetic energy leaving the client feeling lighter, releasing them from the specific looping patterns that were calling for their attention, integrating those lost parts of self, and freeing them from the impacts that these dense energy stagnations can have on the physical body.
In doing so, one becomes more whole.
The Chakras (Energy Centers)
When the 7 in-body chakras are opened, cleared and balanced this allows for the environment to be processed in a healthy way, resulting in greater well-being of the client.
The higher gateways are above our heads and connect each of us to the sun, universe, galaxy and celestial realms. Using OPL QH, these are opened which clears the client’s connection to Source and their higher guidance.
Our lower gateways are below our feet and connect us to earth. When these are opened and stabilized, we are grounded and connected to the earth.
The Ketheric Template
The outer layer of the bio-field, called the ketheric template, acts like a protective film or boundary that keeps the individual’s energies safely within the bio-field.
Throughout life, the ketheric template can incur a rip, tear, puncture or hole which result in one’s energy leaking out or being siphoned away which can cause emotional, mental, spiritual and eventually physical problems.
Those openings are mended through a specific process in OPL QH.
A healed ketheric template creates a boundary, keeping one’s energy safely inside and healthy, while also prevents unwanted outside energies from coming in and interfering with one’s energy.
Frequency as defined in OPL QH
As the bio-field is cleared, frequency that the client is able to consciously tap into increases. This is measured in Hz or kHz and is based on the work of Dr. Valerie Hunt. It is different than what ‘raising your vibration’ commonly implies.
An increase in frequency results in a richer awareness and understanding of the cosmos. It brings with it a calm nervous system, and allows one to process and experience the depths of the human experience with grace.
When one’s frequency increases, it’s true that they can experience greater feelings of bliss and joy and those feelings naturally arise often.
But most importantly, an increased frequency relates to the amount of information their nervous system can hold.
It could almost be compared to climbing up a tree and being able to see from a more expansive viewpoint.
Light Body Structures
The light body is the plasmic energy surrounding the physical body that protects each individual from solar weather that can enter the earth’s magnetosphere.
This includes the charged plasmic energy from Coronal Mass Ejections from the sun that are happening ever increasingly.
This solar weather is the cause of increasing visibility of the Northern Lights across the globe, as far south as Texas as of the writing of this post.
Additional sacred structures can be added to one’s light body using OPL QH to support them in their multidimensional work and journeys, and prepare them for the upgraded chakra systems, if they choose that path.
How does the healing session work?
Ether, plasma, sacred geometry, electricity and fractals come together to fill in the missing gaps of way reality is commonly understood and can help explain what makes a healing session like this possible.
“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance… filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by life-giving plasma”
— Nikola Tesla
This primary, omnipresent substance called ether is the 5th state of matter. Ether can also be known as the unified field or the Higgs field. It was commonly accepted in ancient traditions and is currently understood in wisdom traditions around the world.
Religions call it God, New Age or modern mystics may refer to it as Source or the zero point field. In the tarot, ether is represented by card 0, the archetype of The Fool, the first step of the journey that hasn’t physically materialized yet.
“Ether is an ocean of clear light that electro-magnetic waves arise in, travel through, and dissolve back into. The source of all energy.”
— Eileen McKusik, Electric Body Electric Health
As ether spirals, it polarizes into either positive or negative electrical charges and this is how it creates plasma.
Plasma is the 4th state of matter. It is often outside of what our eyes can perceive, but is visible as the Northern Lights, the sun, stars, lightning and fire.
Plasma conducts electricity and moves along electromagnetic fields.
Plasma is scalable and fractal. It behaves like this in space, around the sun, the earth, as well as around the human bio-field.
When ether forms into plasma, it arranges itself into geometric wave patterns that are based on the five platonic solids (sacred geometry) seen below.
This provides the foundation for the fractals that are found all throughout nature, including within us and our energy field.
By consciously utilizing sacred geometry in OPL QH, the client is brought back into harmony with nature and the cosmos.
Quantum Entanglement
Quantum entanglement tells us that when two molecules become entangled, they will affect one another regardless of time, space or distance. Einstein called this behavior “spooky action at a distance.” Now that ether has been added back into our understanding of the universe, the explanation for this becomes clear.
With an intermediary medium that is ever-present and connects all things, we can see how one’s field could be adjusted by the practitioner through their focused intention. The practitioner connects to the client’s energy through the OPL QH process, using quantum entanglement, and then they are able to make beneficial energetic adjustments to clear, heal, charge and harmonize the client’s field instantly and at a distance.
To do this, the OPL QH practitioner holds focused intentions paired with conductive quartz crystals, gold-plated sacred geometry and purposefully selected frequencies of sound tuning forks. The thoughts and intentions are electromagnetic signals that travel at the speed of thought due to the temporary quantum entanglement between the client and practitioner, through ether and beneficially impact the electrical and plasmic energies of the client, bringing them back into well-being and wholeness.
The profound results of OPL QH have been experienced by clients time and time again, all over the world.
In addition, Angelic helpers and guides are also called in by the practitioner to assist in the session and add their own miraculous ways of healing the client.
OPL QH is a graceful and supportive way to clear your field and harmonize your energy which in turn sets the tone for a harmonious experience of the world.