What can I expect from an OPL QH Soul Spark Session?

Each OPL QH Soul Spark Session is completely custom to the needs of the client at the time of the healing, and can be composed of either one or multiple techniques, activations or attunements.

The client should set aside the time during the session to be in a safe place, at home, undisturbed. It can help to clear the space with palo santo or sound. This is a good time for the client to set intentions for the session, and invite in their Angelic helpers or supportive love-based guides to join, if that is in line with the client’s belief system.

The client should relax during the session and may experience: visuals (like a dream), warming sensations in the body, falling asleep, or nothing at all. After the session, the practitioner provides before and after measurements of the field, chakras and frequency, plus a thorough write up of what they perceived and worked on during the session. This is followed by a call to discuss within a day depending on the client’s schedule. Immediately after the session, the client may feel vibrant and well-rested, or tired with a need to sleep and restore. Everyone is unique and how their energy reacts to the session will be different.

The results are individual and unique to the client, but the long-lasting benefits leave many people feeling calmer, more peaceful, happier, able to handle challenges of life better, with a calm, tempered and reset nervous system, feeling less reactionary or triggered and better able to process events and life, with ease and flow restored to their lives, a connection to the natural world, seeing the world with a fresh perspective of endless possibilities and infinite potentials, seeing solutions everywhere.

It’s recommended to start with a set of at least 3 sessions in order to gain momentum and stability with the work being done. After that, sessions are recommended monthly or as often the client feels they need them depending on what comes up in their life. The more the client is used to feeling harmonic, in balance, and in this state of well being the easier it will be for the client to know when they need another session. The Enzo Academy is a wonderful tool to support the maintenance in between sessions.

The Enzo Academy is an online space offering a monthly membership with access to guided meditations, journeys, healing music, shadow work, transmutation, as well as pre-recorded OPL QH sessions that can be used at any time. These are great as maintenance between sessions with a practitioner though they don’t include notes, measurements and personalization or customizations of a one-on-one session, they work just as powerfully.


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